Stack Cap Dampers
Stack Cap Dampers & Stack Cap Isolation Dampers
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Stack Isolation Dampers isolate the stack opening to prevent foreign material from entering
These types of stack dampers are your first line of defense against the elements. Stack Cap dampers prevent rain and snow from entering the stack. They are very practical on industrial process exhausts and can be counterweighted for pressure relief or assistance with fail mode. Stack Cap dampers are frequently used in the Petrochemical, chemical, and cement industries where they are installed in furnaces, heaters, and reformers for gas shutoff of ducts. Stack cap dampers are also often utilized in turbine exhaust applications.
Stack Cap Isolation dampers provide isolation at high-temperature levels, accurate airflow, and protection against the elements. Additionally, these dampers minimize the stack effect of a system when it is offline. The stack cap dampers are regularly used in heat recovery steam generator (HSRG) exhaust stack applications and as an energy-saving shutoff in gas plants due to their weather protection efficiency.
*Operational testing and calibrating are completed at the factory prior to installation.